Please Keep Your Ears Open

Let's get right into it shall we. Please keep your ears open when going over something important. Have a limited time with you every day, just as you would if you were going to school and pay attention when you hear something you don't want to miss. When you are out doing things, we would rather not make you men late because of seven people who were not listening and wanted clarification on what was plainly stated.

Ear plugs are a necessity for this, I know that is the case in public, but we are not always at home, but for that reason you should do it in public places so that the other people can see you. If you are trying to get your mind off of an important issue, you might want to try this one or any other relaxation techniques that have been proven to work.

A good old fashion method is to sit quietly while you listen to something. You do not need headphones do you? You are just going to need to turn them down a bit or even leave them turned off to make sure that you do not miss anything.

When you are in a crowded room, do not be a distraction by being in front of the television, radio, or phone, stay still and not moving. If the person speaking to you is looking over their notes, then turn it off to avoid being noticed.

Once you have listened and followed directions, ask for the person's name and ask what is going on. If they seem to be distracted by something you did or by a person else, tell them that you just came back to listen and ask that you will wait.

Just being a little more aware of the things around you will help you keep an open ears and mind. That is the number one rule when it comes to keeping an open mind. If you do that, then you will be able to focus on the conversation and what is being said to you without being too distracted.

When you are done, pay attention again. If nothing is happening, turn the volume down. If there is something important to you, then listen to it. The idea is that you listen to whatever is being said and that the other person does not interrupt you.

There are some situations where you will want to wear ear plugs. There are times when your hearing needs to be protected or you may not know what to look for or how to do anything else.

Ear plugs are also very useful when you are driving. If the person in front of you starts to make a sudden stop or turn their head when you are talking, then turn the sound up and just wait a few minutes before continuing.Click here for more details about triet long tai nha


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