Spice of Love: Indian Aphrodisiacs

With the ancient ayurvedic practice of inserting an Indian aphrodisiac into the sexual act to improve desire & drive, many are now looking towards this as a part of lovemaking. Offering more than good taste & enjoyment, Indian Aphrodisiac are also known to increase male virility, increase sperm count & quality, and enhance the female libido. While every food has its own vitamins and enzymes which all have different individual effects, the overall benefit remains the same: aphrodisiacs give you more of what you want! And when used in the right way, can work wonders for your love life.

One of the most popular Indian aphrodisiacs in the country is saffron. The yellow-gold, aromatic spice used in kitchens and Indian cooking can boost energy, fertility, strength, endurance, sperm count, strength & virility. In fact, saffron has been used for thousands of years as an aphrodisiac and its popularity only increased with the discovery of its medicinal properties for treating several male fertility problems, including impotence, sperm leakage, low sperm count, and infertility.

Kamasutra has been revered in India since ancient times as a panacea for male fertility & sexuality. Used since ancient times, Kamautra nourishes and revitalizes the male organ. It's an aphrodisiac because it improves libido, increases blood flow to the genitals, strengthens the urinary and genital organs, increases sperm count & quality, and promotes firmness & stamina. And like saffron, it works wonders for sexual dysfunction, especially in men. Other than that, it improves sperm quality, sperm motility, strength and virility. Click here for more details about 壯陽藥

While milk was a common drink for Indian women, milk too has several health benefits as well as being an aphrodisiac for both men and women. Milk has been used as a sexual aid by ancient Indians as well. It's a powerful digestive tonic that can improve overall digestive system, stimulates the secretion of testosterone, and regulates menstrual cycle. This is also why milk is one of the most commonly prescribed medicine by Indian gynecologists.

Kamautra contains curvy properties that increase libido and strengthen erections as well as increasing the intensity of orgasms. It also acts as a mild laxative that improves digestion, prevents hemorrhoids, and treats constipation. It's an aphrodisiac because it stimulates milk production in lactating mothers, lengthens the breast-feeding duration, enhances nursing and postpartum nutrition, increases milk production in cow mothers, and improves male sperm count. Its traditional value as an aphrodisiac in India is attested to by many references from ancient and modern times.

Ancient Indian physician Ghajnath observed that saffron can help reduce blood pressure and cure asthma, as well as treat diabetes, colitis, and blood poisoning. He also recommended it as an aphrodisiac because of its rich taste and aroma. However, a 2021 study found only minor effects on blood pressure and did not mention any negative side effects. In fact, saffron was found to be more effective than black pepper in improving sexual potency. A standard testosterone drug, like Synthroid, may cause serious side effects like birth defects. Safed musli or saffron is a good alternative treatment option.


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